disabling severe chronic pain
in my Cervical and Lumbar Spines and Shoulder,
anxiety, depression,
insomnia, spinal cord pain, muscle pain,
arthritis pain, a rotator cuff tear, bursitis,
brachial neuritis
& neuropathic pain such as sciatica!*
Like all who walk in these shoes,
I was alive without living
thanks to zero quality of life
from all of these chronic conditions** AND the
numerous side effects of prescription drugs commonly given for these deeply painful diagnoses.
Thanks to God, His herbs, and
music meditation,
I got Back 2 Good as naturally as I could by going herbal daily beginning in early 2012.
Doing so allowed me to eliminate 3 of my prescription drugs entirely and vastly reduce usage of the other 7!
What a health victory,
physically and spiritually!
Thanks to reading a Tyndale Life Application Study Bible (NLT) in 2015, I got Back 2 God to heal spiritually in a way that I had never been prior, because you can't know what you don't know; and until I finally knew Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit personally thanks to Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) and then reading the whole Bible,
I didn't realize that God had let me become physically disabled because I was already spiritually disabled.
If you are alive without living thanks to
any or all of these physically and/or spiritually disabling health conditions
& their mood and mind-altering Rx's,
I created Spinal Trap so that
YOU TOO CAN GET Back 2 Good!
Don't have a lot of money or
health insurance?
All the more reason to learn about the MANY COMMON LOW COST*
herbs, vitamins, and supplements!
Be Grateful, Be Well
Grace Kelly, God Coach, CHLC, CPLC
**Scroll down this page to see a list of my numerous spinal/shoulder diagnoses from my MRI reports.
Legal Liability Disclaimer Notice:
I am not a doctor of any kind, holistic or medical, or nurse. I am not an herbalist or pharmacist.
Thus, I am not giving anyone medical advice herein, and I make no claims nor promises that what I take cures or prevents any health conditions or diseases; I am simply sharing what our Almighty God has used to help me exponentially improve my overall quality of life thanks to vastly reducing my prescription drug usage, and even eliminating some of my ten different pain prescriptions entirely to get Back 2 Good as naturally as I could!
I do not sell any of the herbs, vitamins, or supplements that I have used with great success for these many life-ruining health conditions; thus, my only goal with creating STB2G is to help others reduce and eliminate physical pain and spiritual suffering, as naturally as possible, by sharing my safe results through many natural efforts.
Every reader hereby agrees to indemnify and hold me, Grace Kelly and any agents or representatives of mine harmless in perpetuity for any and all harm, foreseeable or otherwise, that they may incur as a result of trying anything that I share.
Further, every reader agrees to bear the onus of doing their due diligence to check with their doctor(s), pharmacist, and anyone else as applicable to their healthcare needs to ensure that there are no contraindications for their specific health status before trying any of the things that I share with gratitude for their immeasurable blessings by God.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States
As a patient, I have been treated by 3 types of docs, they are:
1. Ones who know nothing about herbs and say so, but don't say anything negative about them.
2. Ones who do know a little about a few common herbs and have a "if it works for you, good for you" attitude, and don't knock them.
3. Ones who are openly nasty about herbs; yet, truly know nothing about them.
The most common thread I've heard from docs who are afraid to support herbs, but are not nasty about them, is that there are no long term studies on them to make them feel comfortable about advocating their use.
I respect that opinion because it at least has some merit. Doctors are basically scientists; thus, of course they want studies. I get that. I don't agree, but I get it.
I don't agree because they all support writing prescription drugs when they believe that the benefits outweigh the risks. But...
The truth is that long term damage such as organ failure and other equally horrible diseases that result from taking prescription medications isn't necessarily predictable as to which (non-predisposed) patients will suffer them.
Thus, just because the benefits APPEAR
to outweigh the risks, doesn't mean
that some of their patients aren't going
to develop the worst case scenario risks,
and even die, as a result from taking
a prescription drug as directed.
Thus, in my non-scientifically trained mind,
I can't help but think/believe/ask:
Is the risk of no studies,
really so bad as to warrant
not giving herbs
already taken by billions successfully, around the globe, for thousands of years,
a chance
when the long term use of prescription drugs (that have only been around for about 120 years!)
isn't entirely known either until it is often too late
and horrible irreversible damage,
or even death,
is the result?
Additionally, many Rx's are plant based!
I would be remiss if I didn't point this indisputable fact out for consideration as well: there are many "studies" you will find in western medicine where the group size is 11 or 21 or some other equally infintessimal number! Seriously?
Over 7 billion on this planet and doctors are okay with studies as long as the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of water from all the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, dams, ponds in the world, is studied? Come on.
As "advanced" as America is in healthcare compared
to many, we are behind in the conservative approach of starting out with natural options and then ramping up to prescriptions.
Which, given my superior clinical training, is ironic
because MD's taught me, back in the day,
that they are taught in medical school to always
exert the least effort for the best result, and then, ramp up efforts accordingly when the desired result is not attained.
(This of course does not apply to
emergency medicine/urgent health situations.)
Albeit, certain health issues don't warrant starting out
with herbs and/or conservative measures.
But as someone who was on up to 10 Rx's
for several years for chronic pain, inflammation, nerve damage, muscle damage, spinal cord damage, depression, anxiety, and insomnia, I am empirical evidence that a person
can successfully transition to herbs as the daily rule!
Also, thanks to the bromelain in my turmeric and bromelain supplement, when I did have to resort to Rx's again as the rule in 2014 and 2015 due to a severely degraded lumbar disc, I found that even on horrid pain days, I was able to get by on 2 pain pills vs. 3 thanks to the digestive enzyme bromelain allowing for maximum absorption of my opiates, which made for better and LONGER LASTING pain managment!
I appreciate Western medicine and have
deep respect for the doctors who have helped me
immeasurably throughout my pain journey,
and prior, for general health needs.
I am not anti-Western medicine;
I shall always need it at times.
I just no longer feel the need to turn to it first for pain
and its byproducts that I have done so well managing
herbally, since early 2012!
I was never at risk of becoming addicted to my pain meds,
but given how many do, I should think that right there
is a solid reason for docs to research and support natural anti-inflammatories such as Turmeric; which works even better when taken in concert with Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme derived from all parts of the fresh pineapple.
Please see box on left below for more.
Thus, in this world of instant news from all corners of the globe, we'd know by now if Turmeric and other herbs, caused horrible reactions and/or death.
You CAN get a DUI/DWI
driving under the influence of pain pills and other mind altering prescription drugs; but when is the last time you heard of someone getting one for driving while on Turmeric/Bromelain? NEVER.
Or Holy Basil Extract? NEVER.
These are the main herbs that I credit with getting me back 2 good as naturally as I could!
Please read my Herbs home page
for more information on these.
I hope many doctors read this page (and entire site)
and realize that a lack of studies is not indicative of a lack of efficacy and that the lack of organ failure and death should indicate a lack of a need to be so hesitant to support supplements and herbs such as those I tout on Spinal Trap.
I am not a doctor; I'm not even the genius who figured out that these common herbs and supplements that I take yield the wondrous, safe, effective, low cost benefits that they do!
I simply have the compassion to take all that I learned from the sheer hell of my injury circumstances, (of being alive without living for over 6 years!) and put it in this site to motivate and educate others who want to live their best quality of life DESPITE permanent damage, pain and their vast limitations and by-products.
The reality of great results speak for themselves and beat the hell out of theory and even studies; which in and of themselves, are not even guaranteed to be 100% accurate...seriously anti-herb docs, open your minds!
You want empirical evidence?
My mind, body and spirit
has never been better
since going God, herbal and
using music meditation to manage my pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc...
Doctors: you've already invested as much as 13 years (depending on speciality and if they get board certified) and 6 figures in your education to get your medical degree.
Thus, getting educated on herbs
for pain, spasms, depression, anxiety, and insomnia and adding this natural modality to your repetoire of patient options
is going to benefit you and them.
Please, read my herbs and testimonial pages
and if after you read about what something
as simple, cheap and effective as Turmeric & Bromelain and Holy Basil Extract have done for my pain and its related issues as well as that of those who cared enough to write their own stories to inspire others,
you still choose to ignore this practical advice,
well then, I feel sorry for the limitations that you
are putting on your success as a practitioner
on your patients quality of life.
You need to realize that your patients pain, insomnia,
depression, anxiety, etc...
is about them and their needs not you.
After all, these herbs didn't just all fall off of a turnip truck yesterday! They have all been around for thousands of years!
You know, thousands of years more than pharmacies...
Speaking of which, I believe in God and He gave us every herb we needed long before He let man gave us pharmaceuticals!
Speaking of which, many Rx's are plant based...
Thus, really, why do so many medical professionals hesitate to add this healthier alternative treatment
path to their practice?
In this day and age where so many savvy patients
want natural options in lieu of and/or in addition
to Western medicine,
it will draw you a new patient base and revenue.
I have not read this entire site but its home page speaks well to my point:
Again, make sure that your dr. knows enough about herbs to give you a FAIR and ACCURATE opinion!
If he/she doesn't, consult one who does and/or check with your pharmacist to see if there are contraindications for your desired herbs and specific medications.
After all, if you have high blood pressure, you don't go see a foot doctor for it; thus, don't take advice from a doctor uneducated on the topic of herbs, who knocks them!
A doctor worth his/her medical license,
who is untrained in a specialty,
wouldn't dare give an uninformed professional opinion to a patient on another western medicine topic.
He/she would state that it is not their area and
that you should consult a specialist of it.
Conversely, I've met (too many) docs who have
no hesitation in giving a strongly negative opinion on herb, and yet, are just as untrained on this topic.
To give an uninformed negative opinion on herbs
is every bit as irresponsible as it would be to speak out of turn on any health topic in which they are
not well read since patients just expect that doctors
only speak of what they know/are trained in.
Unless your doctor tells you that he/she knows what chronic pain is like, or depression, or anxiety, etc...from their own challenges with it, they don't truly know what you suffer as a result of just one of these conditions, let alone, the combination of them, that is so common due to the domino effects of chronic pain.
Don't even get me started on the mental/emotional toll that JUST ONE pain Rx takes on a person,
let alone multiple mind and mood altering Rx's such as Flexeril, Tizanidine, Xanax, etc...
So, here is a friendly reality reminder:
Remember that
a negative opinion
is not necessarily
an informed opinion.
Bottom line:
If you live with chronic pain, and/or depression, anxiety, insomnia and are on multiple mind and mood altering Rx's, you don't live in peace, you live on an emotional roller coaster ride from hell.
I know, I used to be you.
There's actually a medical term for it, it's called "emotional lability".
You can't help it but you can help yourself get back 2 good by getting off, or at least, reducing your usage by going herbal safely and successfully.
Please talk with knowledgeable doctors and your pharmacist for help on what to take and how to do so.
*Turmeric & Bromelain
I have found that when I take Turmeric alone it is NOT as effective in reducing/managing my pain as when I take it in combination with Bromelain.
Bromelain is a digestive enzyme found in all parts of the fresh pineapple and thus, potentiates the anti-infalmmatory benefits of the Turmeric.
Due to this fact, I have bought Bromelain in its own separate 2,000 GDU capsule form to take with my Meloxicam and Nucynta.
I figure if it allows better absorption for my Turmeric, it stands to reason that it will allow better absorption of my Nucynta. And it does!
Bromelain makes whatever Rx's I take with it work faster, better, and last longer!
If you are on pain Rx's I hope that you are able to enjoy the same benefit.
Please note: I do not yet know if having an allergy to fresh pineapple means that bromelain is contraindicated.
Consult an herbalist first about bromelain if you have a pineapple allergy as I do not know if it is safe for people who do. Again, I am not an herbalist.
Holy Basil Extract for Anxiety & Depression
For the record, doctors who knock herbs without actually learning about them, are doing patients a great injustice.
Especially when so many people suffer from anxiety and depression and many of them can likely be helped by the amazing herb, Holy Basil Extract. (Which may also lower blood sugar!)
If you have a dr. tell you that you CAN'T take Holy Basil, ask them if that means that you also CAN'T eat a plate of pasta in pesto sauce?
In case you don't cook, permit me to explain that basil is the primary ingredient in pesto sauce.
Thus, if a dr. is advising you against Holy Basil because it can, or will harm you, then it follows that they should also be advising you to not consume it in pesto form either. Right? Right.
If they don't, clearly their opinion is one based upon complete ignorance vs. facts.
Do you really want to have such a dimwit as your doctor?
I can't say this enough, please remember that a negative opinion is not necessarily an informed opinion!
I Know
What I Don't Know
I don't know how every person will respond to the herbs with which I've enjoyed great success; just as no doctor knows how every person will respond to prescription drugs and/or surgical procedures.
Thus, why anyone hestitates to try natural methods, I don't know, but I DO know that I got back 2 good thanks to the herbs I discuss on Spinal Trap!
Copyright 2011-2018 Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good All rights reserved.
This website and its creator does not share nor sell email addresses.
This website is for informational, motivational and entertainment use only and is not a substitute for medical advice nor intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions.
This site, nor its creator and author, Grace Kelly, other professionals referenced or recommended, and/or any affiliates, are liable in any capacity whatsoever in perpetuity for any negative results a person may experience as a result of trying things that Grace Kelly discusses herein. Grace Kelly is not an medical doctor, a naturopath, a nurse, a pharmacist, or an herbalist, nor purports herself to be. What she shares should not be misconstrued as medical advice.
Always consult medical experts trained and currently licensed in the areas of health in which you seek advice to ensure your best health.
Inclusion of a site link does not imply that Grace has read the entire site and should not be misconstrued as endorsement for all contents.
This site assumes no responsibility for knowing when sites or companies to whom Grace refers readers, have policy changes that may affect any and all data currently known and stated herein.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States