disabling severe chronic pain
in my Cervical and Lumbar Spines and Shoulder,
anxiety, depression,
insomnia, spinal cord pain, muscle pain,
arthritis pain, a rotator cuff tear, bursitis,
brachial neuritis
& neuropathic pain such as sciatica!*
Like all who walk in these shoes,
I was alive without living
thanks to zero quality of life
from all of these chronic conditions** AND the
numerous side effects of prescription drugs commonly given for these deeply painful diagnoses.
Thanks to God, His herbs, and
music meditation,
I got Back 2 Good as naturally as I could by going herbal daily beginning in early 2012.
Doing so allowed me to eliminate 3 of my prescription drugs entirely and vastly reduce usage of the other 7!
What a health victory,
physically and spiritually!
Thanks to reading a Tyndale Life Application Study Bible (NLT) in 2015, I got Back 2 God to heal spiritually in a way that I had never been prior, because you can't know what you don't know; and until I finally knew Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit personally thanks to Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) and then reading the whole Bible,
I didn't realize that God had let me become physically disabled because I was already spiritually disabled.
If you are alive without living thanks to
any or all of these physically and/or spiritually disabling health conditions
& their mood and mind-altering Rx's,
I created Spinal Trap so that
YOU TOO CAN GET Back 2 Good!
Don't have a lot of money or
health insurance?
All the more reason to learn about the MANY COMMON LOW COST*
herbs, vitamins, and supplements!
Be Grateful, Be Well
Grace Kelly, God Coach, CHLC, CPLC
**Scroll down this page to see a list of my numerous spinal/shoulder diagnoses from my MRI reports.
Legal Liability Disclaimer Notice:
I am not a doctor of any kind, holistic or medical, or nurse. I am not an herbalist or pharmacist.
Thus, I am not giving anyone medical advice herein, and I make no claims nor promises that what I take cures or prevents any health conditions or diseases; I am simply sharing what our Almighty God has used to help me exponentially improve my overall quality of life thanks to vastly reducing my prescription drug usage, and even eliminating some of my ten different pain prescriptions entirely to get Back 2 Good as naturally as I could!
I do not sell any of the herbs, vitamins, or supplements that I have used with great success for these many life-ruining health conditions; thus, my only goal with creating STB2G is to help others reduce and eliminate physical pain and spiritual suffering, as naturally as possible, by sharing my safe results through many natural efforts.
Every reader hereby agrees to indemnify and hold me, Grace Kelly and any agents or representatives of mine harmless in perpetuity for any and all harm, foreseeable or otherwise, that they may incur as a result of trying anything that I share.
Further, every reader agrees to bear the onus of doing their due diligence to check with their doctor(s), pharmacist, and anyone else as applicable to their healthcare needs to ensure that there are no contraindications for their specific health status before trying any of the things that I share with gratitude for their immeasurable blessings by God.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States
As in, your migraines will "B" gone!*
(See vital health alert below for exception to rule.)
I have always been a picky eater. I never ate most vegetables before age 21. As a child, I had four food groups. Candy, salads, tuna fish sandwiches and of course, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese!
I suffered headaches frequently in childhood; but unlike today, you didn't really question things like that.
When I was 19, I shared an efficiency apartment with a friend. He was watching TV and when I awoke, every sound it made was inside my head, tearing me apart; as was the sunlight streaming through the curtains. I couldn't even keep my eyes open because the light was so blindingly painful. I was in such pain that I could barely speak loud enough for him to hear me over the TV.
I had no idea what was happening, I just knew it hurt like nothing before and I'd had all 4 wisdom teeth extracted plus gum surgery with skin grafting from the roof of my mouth.
When he finally realized I was asking him to help me, he called my mom who came and took me to the doctors.
I just had my first migraine.
That doc prescribed both Fioricet and Fiorinal. He said that if I ever got a migraine and didn't have the Rx's with me, drink as much Coca-Cola as I possibly could because its high caffeine content would help to relax the constricted blood vessels in my head.
Clearly, this happened long before Red Bull and Monster Energy drinks...it was the late 80's.
Please know that I do NOT advocate drinking those; I'm simply saying they didn't exist back when I had my first migraine attack. Click BoredPanda.com link to read "Woman Shares What Energy Drinks Did To Her Husband While She Was 9 Months Pregnant" by Stella to see why people should take a Vitamin B complex if indicated for their needs vs. consume such drinks.
My headaches and migraines continued until spring of 2001.
I decided to start taking a Super B Complex supplement
that contained every B derivative + Vitamin C.
It was made by Sam's Club "Members Mark" brand.
Et voila!
Headaches gone!
Migraines?? GONE!!!
So, if you take the time, effort and money to go to the doctors for migraines, you can keep taking Rx's that may or may not work but even if they don't, will likely still give you harmful side effects.
You can continue to get vitamin B shots in your butt.
You can spend $9.98 for 300 of them at Sam's.
Do you spend that little on your dr's appointment, co-pay, deductible, Rx's and gas to run to those places?
What about your time for missing work to go? Or the inconveniece of going anywhere when you feel horrible?
The last person I gave this advice to didn't bother to ever take it until I bought her the same bottle of Super B I take.
On 3/28/11, I got an email from her and in the subject line she wrote:
You are a genius!
Her email said:
[Really… I’ve been trying to take the B vitamin every day, and I feel better, really. I have to tell you more about it, but boy it helped a lot]
Now, permit me to digress here about interpreting communications to read people.
She states "You are a genius!" which indicates that she proved for herself that Vitamin B did indeed manage her migraines.
Yet, in her email she writes "I've been trying..." indicating that as debilitating and frequent as her migraines were, she was not being as diligent as she could have been and should be, about taking one every morning!
Come on people!
Such a tiny effort for such a great result!
If you are forgetful, establish routines, they help to reduce and eliminate forgetting.
Set the bottle next to your coffee maker, make yourself a note, set an alarm on your cell or an alarm clock, email yourself reminders, etc...
Otherwise, it is a healthy, natural, and SIMPLE effort that does indeed, help many.
For the record, since the B vitamins are our energy vitamins, please know that if you take it at lunchtime or later, it will interfere with your ability to fall asleep before midnight, 1am or even 2am. Thus, take that into consideration when choosing the time you take it.
Personally, I pop one every morning upon waking, on an empty stomach because I need my energy boost ASAP!
However, when I was on anti-inflammatories, daily, for years, they shredded my stomach so much that I had to delay taking it until I ate something. If you are a chronic pain person and on such meds, you alrealy know if you have a sensitive stomach or not, so plan accordingly.
Feel free to email me a testimonial if you try it and like its results!
B is our energy vitamin. Everyone I know, including those in perfectly good health, claim with regularity, to be too tired and too stressed.
If you live with a chronic health condition such as pain, you well know it depletes energy and exacerbates stress, a double health whammy, which in turn, further depletes your energy...
Regardless of your health status, if you are fatigued and don't already take a super B complex with EVERY B derivative, (niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, etc...go buy it. (I pay $9.98 for 300 of Sam's. Your other best deals will be online.)
Unlike too much coffee, it does not make me jittery. Now, if you drink crack in a cup coffee and take a super B? That may, I don't know. You will just have to figure it out for yourself through trial and error.
Some caffeine is fine, but too much of anything can be bad, so if you drink buckets of coffee daily for energy, you may find that if you start a Super B Complex, you can still get the energy you need minus the expense, yellow teeth and dragon breath that great coffee consumption causes! (And if you are smoker too and drink pots of coffee?? Lemme tell ya, "dragon breath" is no exaggeration and is a nickname a friend gave a boss of ours once who had it. We had to step back a couple of feet as well as off to one side, to not be assaulted by it, when she spoke.)
Vital Health Alert
*Vitamin B may not work for everyone if the migraines are a byproduct of other health issues such as a brain tumor. If you suffer regular migraines, please consult a physician to rule out any serious medical conditions.
If you suffer migraines and a change in vision, schedule with a neuro-ophthalmologist ASAP; they will order the necessary tests to rule out a brain tumor and other such diagnoses.
I get migraine type pain when my occipital bone (the base of the skull in the back of your head) flares up due to my Cervical spine damage and not one of the numerous pain pills I've tried, ever, helps that hideous pain.
In 2017 I had an endocrinologist teach me that too much B1 and B6 mimics radiculopathy pain. Thus, since this supplement far exceeds the RDA for all of its B derivattives, do what I do and snap this supplement in half if like me, radiculopathy is one of your pain-causing diagnoses.
It did help to reduce nerve pain; but it does of course, cut your energy down too. However, reducing pain is far more important to me and will be to anyone whose quality of life is impacted by it daily.
When I was working FT+ while in a year long severe chronic pain flare up and undergoing multiple pain management procedures, my one morning cup of java, plus Super B, simply weren't enough.
Thus, I began drinking Ocean Spray Cran Energy juice mid or late morning as well.
It is loaded with B vitamins and was just what I needed.
My body was so exhausted that even when I added this to my daily routine, it still did not make me jittery and gave me the boost necessary to get through my work days.
If you are fatigued by chronic pain or other energy depleting health issues, and need an energy boost, and/or don't like coffee, and/or are unable to swallow pills successfully, give Cran Energy a try.
The best price I find on it is at Big Lot's.
It isn't always in stock, so when it is, I stock up!
Be Grateful, "B" Well!
Grace Kelly, God Coach, CHLC, CPLC
The Super B complex I take has a high dose of all of the B's.
Thus, if you take higher doses too, you will know when your body has absorbed it because your pee will be the brightest shade of yellow!
That is normal and fades back to clear with each subsequent one. For more info:
I found the data about vitamins in this Wikipedia link, fascinating and enlightening. If you wish to learn more about Vitamin B and others, check it out!
Copyright 2011-2018 Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good All rights reserved.
This website and its creator does not share nor sell email addresses.
This website is for informational, motivational and entertainment use only and is not a substitute for medical advice nor intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions.
This site, nor its creator and author, Grace Kelly, other professionals referenced or recommended, and/or any affiliates, are liable in any capacity whatsoever in perpetuity for any negative results a person may experience as a result of trying things that Grace Kelly discusses herein. Grace Kelly is not an medical doctor, a naturopath, a nurse, a pharmacist, or an herbalist, nor purports herself to be. What she shares should not be misconstrued as medical advice.
Always consult medical experts trained and currently licensed in the areas of health in which you seek advice to ensure your best health.
Inclusion of a site link does not imply that Grace has read the entire site and should not be misconstrued as endorsement for all contents.
This site assumes no responsibility for knowing when sites or companies to whom Grace refers readers, have policy changes that may affect any and all data currently known and stated herein.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States