disabling severe chronic pain
in my Cervical and Lumbar Spines and Shoulder,
anxiety, depression,
insomnia, spinal cord pain, muscle pain,
arthritis pain, a rotator cuff tear, bursitis,
brachial neuritis
& neuropathic pain such as sciatica!*
Like all who walk in these shoes,
I was alive without living
thanks to zero quality of life
from all of these chronic conditions** AND the
numerous side effects of prescription drugs commonly given for these deeply painful diagnoses.
Thanks to God, His herbs, and
music meditation,
I got Back 2 Good as naturally as I could by going herbal daily beginning in early 2012.
Doing so allowed me to eliminate 3 of my prescription drugs entirely and vastly reduce usage of the other 7!
What a health victory,
physically and spiritually!
Thanks to reading a Tyndale Life Application Study Bible (NLT) in 2015, I got Back 2 God to heal spiritually in a way that I had never been prior, because you can't know what you don't know; and until I finally knew Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit personally thanks to Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) and then reading the whole Bible,
I didn't realize that God had let me become physically disabled because I was already spiritually disabled.
If you are alive without living thanks to
any or all of these physically and/or spiritually disabling health conditions
& their mood and mind-altering Rx's,
I created Spinal Trap so that
YOU TOO CAN GET Back 2 Good!
Don't have a lot of money or
health insurance?
All the more reason to learn about the MANY COMMON LOW COST*
herbs, vitamins, and supplements!
Be Grateful, Be Well
Grace Kelly, God Coach, CHLC, CPLC
**Scroll down this page to see a list of my numerous spinal/shoulder diagnoses from my MRI reports.
Legal Liability Disclaimer Notice:
I am not a doctor of any kind, holistic or medical, or nurse. I am not an herbalist or pharmacist.
Thus, I am not giving anyone medical advice herein, and I make no claims nor promises that what I take cures or prevents any health conditions or diseases; I am simply sharing what our Almighty God has used to help me exponentially improve my overall quality of life thanks to vastly reducing my prescription drug usage, and even eliminating some of my ten different pain prescriptions entirely to get Back 2 Good as naturally as I could!
I do not sell any of the herbs, vitamins, or supplements that I have used with great success for these many life-ruining health conditions; thus, my only goal with creating STB2G is to help others reduce and eliminate physical pain and spiritual suffering, as naturally as possible, by sharing my safe results through many natural efforts.
Every reader hereby agrees to indemnify and hold me, Grace Kelly and any agents or representatives of mine harmless in perpetuity for any and all harm, foreseeable or otherwise, that they may incur as a result of trying anything that I share.
Further, every reader agrees to bear the onus of doing their due diligence to check with their doctor(s), pharmacist, and anyone else as applicable to their healthcare needs to ensure that there are no contraindications for their specific health status before trying any of the things that I share with gratitude for their immeasurable blessings by God.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States
The most important thing to remember
about achieving any goal,
health or otherwise, is that
you can make progress or excuses.
Choose progress and enjoy success!
I won't spend time defining the obvious when there are so many self-help healing modalities that I have explored and wish to share with you in hope that they benefit you in your journey to get yourself back 2 good.
Due to my preference and success with natural pain management, I do NOT take any of my pain Rx's daily unless my natural methods fail to keep my pain from escalating.
Then I will take them prn (as needed) until pain reduces. Severe flare ups last an average of 2 weeks but can go longer.
I always start with conservative measures first, they are: prayer, rest, music meditation with Niall's "Earth Angels" or "Total Serenity" CD's.
Epsom salt soaks, ice packs, and/or heating pads, Ultra Strength Tiger Balm, my TENS unit, at home physical therapy exercises and Lidoderm patches.
Acupuncture/acupressure and massage therapy help immensely when applied by a competent licensed practitioner.
When these fail me, then I will resort to my anti-inflammatory and pain pill.
If those fail me, then I go get a 60mg Toradol injection. It is the closest thing a dr. has to a non-narcotic magic wand!
It is as important for you to realize before you begin your healing journey, or if you've already begun, to help motivate you further; the fact that you will actually be hindered by others, but only if you let them.
So don't. Never give anyone your power or allow them such power over you.
Think about it, many people form opinions without doing or reading any fact based research. I call them drama queens and drama kings. Drama queens and kings then spread their ignorance to others.
If and when you decide to implement self-help strategies to get yourself back 2 good, you need to make sure that you do not let these close minded clods, interfere with your healing.
"Close your mouth and open your mind." is a good way to stop them in their tracks if and when you are made to feel defensive when you start talking about something that they've never heard of and/or for which they have no true understanding.
Trust me, mention your 3rd eye experience to someone who doesn't understand and/or believe in chakras and they will look at you like you have three crown chakras! (Only people who believe in them will find that funny; I am okay with that!)
Bottom line? NO ONE has to like, understand or approve of your choices but you and God, because it is only through Him that true healing can be attained.
Look at it like this, you wouldn't allow toxic fumes to consume you because you know that they will harm you; ditto toxic people. Don't allow them to infect you with their unhealthy mindset.
I am blessed to be thick skinned so someone can look at me like I have three heads, state their negative, uninformed opinion, even tell me that I am dumb and/or nuts, or call me worse, and you know what?
I could care less about put downs and derisive comments about alternative and self-help healing modalities because I have enjoyed so much success from the majority of my self-help efforts that I know to focus only on what matters:
My indisputably positive results from my healthier choices.
If you are not thick skinned, like any other trait, it can be learned. Instead of spinning over and over and expdending precious energy and health on the close minded of the world, simply take a deep breath, pray for God to open their minds to learning and being supportive and then forget about them and celebrate your successes with like minded individuals in your life.
And if you have none, its time to clean house and surround yourself with healthier people; and even, to be alone if need be.
After all, the only thing worse than being alone and feeling lonely, is being surrounded by the wrong people and feeling lonely.
If you don't have the luxury of getting out to making new friends due to your disability and chronic pain, it's okay. I am working on my other much needed site idea: "Able2Love.org" that is specifically designed for disabled people to meet online to find friendship and love because a lack of physical health and/or ability to enjoy an active life doesn't preclude a person from needing healthy, loving relationships and/or from being able to love.
Think about it, most able bodied people meet friends and spouses at work, church, sports activities, bars/clubs, parties, and at other social events.
But when a disabling injury and chronic pain limit your ability to do most and often, all of these things, how does a physically challenged person make friends or meet a potential spouse? Hence the immense need for Able2Love.
Able2Love will be a much needed source of love, friendship and support and will be free to all who use it since when a person becomes disabled, typically so do ther finances. Sponsors needed; if interested, please email me.
The Power of Prayer
An undeniable healing modality for me and many.
I hope that even if you feel like you don't know how to pray, as I did, you will make the effort to just talk to God and work on learning how by signing up for the awesome ministers daily devotionals and newsletters, in addition to watching them on TV (see God page for their data) because they all can and will teach you how to pray to find peace and healing.
I never understand people who won't try it because, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines healing as:
verb \ˈhēl\
: to become healthy or well again
: to make (someone or something) healthy or well again
For the intents and purposes of Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good, healing shall refer to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual status because they are inextricabably intertwined; and when one area is imbalanced, it can and will negatively impact the others.
Thus, true healing in my experience means being as balanced as possible in all four areas; something which is a challenge for able bodied people let alone, those who live with chronic pain.
Add Rx's to the mix and you can expect to be an extra imbalanced mess.
Hence, my going to God and going herbal as the rule which has greatly helped to balance me well and allowed me the most peace of mind I've actually ever had; even pre-chronic pain.
That should speak volumes to all whose faith is weak and/or non-existent.
Copyright 2011-2018 Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good All rights reserved.
This website and its creator does not share nor sell email addresses.
This website is for informational, motivational and entertainment use only and is not a substitute for medical advice nor intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions.
This site, nor its creator and author, Grace Kelly, other professionals referenced or recommended, and/or any affiliates, are liable in any capacity whatsoever in perpetuity for any negative results a person may experience as a result of trying things that Grace Kelly discusses herein. Grace Kelly is not an medical doctor, a naturopath, a nurse, a pharmacist, or an herbalist, nor purports herself to be. What she shares should not be misconstrued as medical advice.
Always consult medical experts trained and currently licensed in the areas of health in which you seek advice to ensure your best health.
Inclusion of a site link does not imply that Grace has read the entire site and should not be misconstrued as endorsement for all contents.
This site assumes no responsibility for knowing when sites or companies to whom Grace refers readers, have policy changes that may affect any and all data currently known and stated herein.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States