Reverse Thinking
One of the biggest mistakes that I made for too long after being severely injured and left disbled by severe chronic pain in my cervical spine, (neck), lumbar spine, (low back), and right shoulder, as well as their related depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc...was allowing myself to focus on all that I could no longer do.
It is consuming on every human level to go from physically strong, healthy, active, independent and thin, to bedridden by disabling injuries and pain, their anxiety, depression, and eventually become fat.
My spinal cord and multiple disc damage is severe and extensive; by default, my limitations are vast and devastated me for years.
Anxiety, depression and insomnia due to any reason will make you negative, let alone from severe chronic physical pain and its inherent stress.
Last and far from least, I can't convey enough what pain pills, muscle relaxers and the plethora of other mood and mind-altering Rx's that are so commonly given to chronic pain people (understandably so) do to your psyche.
You just become a complete mental/emotional mess.
I didn't want to be, I tried not to be, I simply was.
I finally learned that there is medical term for this, it is "emotional lability".
I am grateful to say that once I went herbal and got a lot of control of my mind and emotions back, I realized that I needed to change my focus to what I could still do.
Or as I began calling it, "reverse thinking". (For a funny take on this topic, check out the Seinfeld clip below!)
Instead of feeling sorry for myself that I never got the chance to go white water rafting, and with my spinal damage, never would, I now focused on memories of my spectacular first visit and hike in The Narrows at Zion National Park in Utah.
What a gorgeous place! I promise you that even the most beautiful picture that you see of it, even online, still does not do it justice. It is indescribably and breathtakingly beautiful.
I also saw my first mountain lion there! It stayed far enough away to not be a threat so it was a very cool vs. scary experience.
It was simply one of the most beautiful days of my life.
I told myself to be grateful that I got to go and do that because billions will never get to enjoy it or anything even close to it, at all, due to their respective health challenges and/or extreme poverty.
If you have your physical health and don't mind climbing and hiking through water and up steep rocks, and at some points, having to climb under fallen trees or over them, do yourself a favor and put Zion on your vacation list. It was my favorite spot until Sedona, Arizona bumped it to number two.
Here's the link for my Sedona page:
Another area in which I had to reverse my thinking is that I have my cosmetology license and not only can I no longer work in a salon, but I'd get super frustrated when my hair needed to be colored and cut, but pain prevented me from doing so, and pride prevented me from paying someone else to do it.
Thus, I'd often start a haircut, and the effort would shoot my pain off the charts, and I'd have to stop, unfinished. At one point, I finally conceded to paying someone to do it again briefly and though she did beautiful work, it still stung.
I finally put it in perspective and told myself that cancer patients who have lost all of their hair, wish they had roots, split ends, and uneven hair to complain about, so shut up and suck it up buttercup, because it can always be worse!
When I got upset about my burgeoning butt, I told myself that my definition of fat (for myself), is some people's definition of thin, and to focus on who I am, not what I look like.
Then when I read the Holy Bible to learn about the New Bodies that we get in Heaven, I was thrilled!
Philippians 3:21 - “He will take these weak mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same mighty power that he will use to conquer everything, everywhere.”
Please read 1 Corinthians 15 “The Resurrection of Christ”; it is utterly fascinating, especially starting at verse 35. Please also read 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 “New Bodies”.
When I couldn't walk my dogs due to pain and felt guilty about it, I reminded myself that they were still very lucky compared to the millions of abused, abandoned, and euthanized pets every year.
Although this was very true, it is May 2020 now and I have been reading the Holy Bible for 5 years now.
Doing so has allowed me to have the Light of Jesus shined on my life and heart to realize so many things that I couldn't see prior.
One of which was that I was letting Satan keep me in the house even on days I could have at least walked my boys around the block.
So yes, they were and are luckier than many dogs but they could have been even luckier if I hadn't let Satan "steal and kill and destroy" my mood and motivation to get outside and walk!
Jesus is speaking of Satan here:
John 10:10 - “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.”
Are you letting Satan steal and kill and destroy moments, days, weeks, and years out of your life over simple and beneficial things like taking walks, whether you have a dog or not? If so, SEEK GOD NOW!
Pushing an EMPTY grocery cart hurts me so by the time I have what I need it, I would be in tears from the effort of lifting and reaching for groceries, unloading them onto the belt, loading into the car, unloading at home, etc...I reminded myself that 4,000 people die daily from starvation.
You get the gist.
Reverse thinking is
a wonderful and essential
tool to utilize when your negative thoughts
are interfering with your quality of life.
It's easy to look around at healthy active people in good shape (especially in Austin, TX!) and wish to still be one of them.
What I came to terms with was the fact
that I can't change what happened,
but I can choose how I think about it.
Long before I became a Certified Holistic Life Coach,
I realized the need to decide that I am no longer
a victim of my disabling injuries/pain circumstances.
It is very easy to become one, but I promise you
that the work of finding peace is far easier
than remaining unhealthy and negative.
The mind, body and spirit are inextricably linked;
if you want to feel your best, you truly need to
get your mental and emotional states in balance
because they do impact your physical health.
This is virtually impossible to do
when on multiple pain Rx's.
If you are facing these same numerous challenges,
please go to my Herbs page and read about
Holy Basil Extract and Turmeric & Bromelain and then
follow-up with your dr. and/or pharmacist to see if you can start them to get yourself back 2 good!
The irony has never been lost on me
that tens of millions of chronic pain people are
given multiple Rx's as is fitting for their damage/pain
and these very Rx's that are supposed to (but don't always!) alleviate pain, instead, create mental and emotional instability, which in turn, will manifest physical pain!
It's a vicious quality of life ruining catch 22!
Getting myself off of the pain Rx roller coaster
by going God, herbal and learning the
art of music meditation are
the best decisions that I've ever made
for my chronic pain, its numerous quality of life depleting byproducts and my overall health.
I hope that Spinal Trap helps you
make that immeasurable leap
into better health and peace too.
And that's NOT a typo!
Please see my Spinal Trap Testimonials page
for feedback from those who have taken my advice
and gotten themselves back 2 good with their chronic pain from spinal damage, fibromyalgia, hip pain, depression, and anxiety!