disabling severe chronic pain
in my Cervical and Lumbar Spines and Shoulder,
anxiety, depression,
insomnia, spinal cord pain, muscle pain,
arthritis pain, a rotator cuff tear, bursitis,
brachial neuritis
& neuropathic pain such as sciatica!*
Like all who walk in these shoes,
I was alive without living
thanks to zero quality of life
from all of these chronic conditions** AND the
numerous side effects of prescription drugs commonly given for these deeply painful diagnoses.
Thanks to God, His herbs, and
music meditation,
I got Back 2 Good as naturally as I could by going herbal daily beginning in early 2012.
Doing so allowed me to eliminate 3 of my prescription drugs entirely and vastly reduce usage of the other 7!
What a health victory,
physically and spiritually!
Thanks to reading a Tyndale Life Application Study Bible (NLT) in 2015, I got Back 2 God to heal spiritually in a way that I had never been prior, because you can't know what you don't know; and until I finally knew Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit personally thanks to Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) and then reading the whole Bible,
I didn't realize that God had let me become physically disabled because I was already spiritually disabled.
If you are alive without living thanks to
any or all of these physically and/or spiritually disabling health conditions
& their mood and mind-altering Rx's,
I created Spinal Trap so that
YOU TOO CAN GET Back 2 Good!
Don't have a lot of money or
health insurance?
All the more reason to learn about the MANY COMMON LOW COST*
herbs, vitamins, and supplements!
Be Grateful, Be Well
Grace Kelly, God Coach, CHLC, CPLC
**Scroll down this page to see a list of my numerous spinal/shoulder diagnoses from my MRI reports.
Legal Liability Disclaimer Notice:
I am not a doctor of any kind, holistic or medical, or nurse. I am not an herbalist or pharmacist.
Thus, I am not giving anyone medical advice herein, and I make no claims nor promises that what I take cures or prevents any health conditions or diseases; I am simply sharing what our Almighty God has used to help me exponentially improve my overall quality of life thanks to vastly reducing my prescription drug usage, and even eliminating some of my ten different pain prescriptions entirely to get Back 2 Good as naturally as I could!
I do not sell any of the herbs, vitamins, or supplements that I have used with great success for these many life-ruining health conditions; thus, my only goal with creating STB2G is to help others reduce and eliminate physical pain and spiritual suffering, as naturally as possible, by sharing my safe results through many natural efforts.
Every reader hereby agrees to indemnify and hold me, Grace Kelly and any agents or representatives of mine harmless in perpetuity for any and all harm, foreseeable or otherwise, that they may incur as a result of trying anything that I share.
Further, every reader agrees to bear the onus of doing their due diligence to check with their doctor(s), pharmacist, and anyone else as applicable to their healthcare needs to ensure that there are no contraindications for their specific health status before trying any of the things that I share with gratitude for their immeasurable blessings by God.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States
I first noticed the TV commercials for this product in 2012 but just didn't get inspired to buy it despite respecting highly that it is made in America with materials from here as well.
In 2016 they had a buy one get one free ad on TV and a friend wanted to try it, so I got my chance to try it too.
They give you 60 days to try it. The thing is, I don't see why anyone needs to take that long to figure out if a pillow works for them given that it is used every night; so although that is very nice of them, it seems unnecessarily long.
Which makes me wonder if it is done with some psychology behind it in that people tend to think "Oh I've got PLENTY of time to return it!" and then forget when the cut off is and oops, it's been 63 days now and is non-returnable.
Or if they have it long enough, even if not crazy about it, they feel bad returning it and/or if perhaps some just get lazy and don't.
They have a four question "sizing chart" that I found quite odd.
Its first two questions I sort of understood. Are you man, woman or child and do you sleep on your side, back, stomach or multiple positions. Not it's third one though, "What size t-shirt do you wear?" If this was one of those full body pillows then that would make sense if they needed to know how wide a person is but I couldn't see the connection between the product and the question.
Their fourth question was if you currently sleep on a down or feather pillow?
I can only surmise that this last question is asked for them to use in a study to further promote that these types of pillow users switched successfully to them. I don't know, it doesn't matter.
When I first laid down on it, I did the usual adjusting of myself and the pillow to try and find my "sweet spot". I have to say, I couldn't because the pillow was very soft and "shifty". If you could feel one, you would immediately understand. To try and illuminate what I mean, it felt like it was filled with giant lumps of cotton balls. (Which made me wonder why it is so expensive...)
I was also surprised by the fact that despite how bulky it was, my head seemed to sink it in and hit the bed, making it very flat, leaving my cervical spine, unsupported. (Though I have been called a fat head in my life, it was meant figuratively, not literally...)
When it comes to a neck as damaged as mine, I need unfailing support from a pillow because just one minor shift in my sleep that leaves it unsupported and I can be awakened by excruciating pain. Thus, I need a firm pillow to ensure no unsupported shifting.
This was all the more disappointing as well as surprising given that its creator speaks of how frustrated he used to get with pillows that go flat.
Thus, I just settled in the middle and hoped for the best.
The first night I woke up about 4 hours after I fell asleep to go to the bathroom. When I got out of bed, I had a quick but noticeable pain in the left side of my neck.
Now mind you, I have had debilitating pain on the left side of my neck in the last 10.5 years, but all 5 of the herniated neck discs were worse on the RIGHT side, so it is far more common than not, for my right side to hurt.
I went back to sleep and when I got up the next day, it was gone and I was grateful.
The second night that I used it, I had no kink when I got up in the middle of the night again, but when I woke up the next morning, I had that same left sided pain again but this time, it was not fleeting.
Thus, I was done with My Pillow because thanks to bad physical therapists, I learned years ago, the immense difference between "productive pain" and "unproductive pain".
Meaning that when dealing with severe injuries, you have to suck up a lot of pain when doing beneficial efforts to regain your strength but the end result is that it is and SHOULD ALWAYS BE "productive pain".
However, sometimes you get a P.T. with a body builder background who has NO CLUE what it is like to be disabled by extensive injuries and flared easily into pain hell due to inappropriate exercises for a person's particular injury status.
They wrongly push a person until they experience unproductive pain, that just takes more days and often, weeks out of their life.
When you have severe chronic pain for years, you lose so much time out of your life that you can NEVER get back, it is VITAL that you learn to recognize the difference between these two pain types and as much, to SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF.
Thus, I will no longer give anything a try to my detriment as I did for far too long in the first six years of injury/pain of listening to "experts" vs. my body.
When you learn to listen to your body, you recognize when a tweak of pain is the kind that is not a big deal or if ignored, will turn into pain hell. The tweak I felt after the second morning, was the latter and its warning was enough.
Based upon my severe and extensive spinal damage, the majority of which is cervical spine (neck), I personally can't recommend My Pillow for chronic pain users. And if you don't have such challenges, you can buy just about any pillow in any store for $10 and be fine, as I used to be, pre-injuries.
However, as I say repeatedly throughout Spinal Trap, pain is personal and two people with the same damage will not necessarily respond the same to the same efforts. Thus, all you can do is try it for yourself and form your own opinion.
On that note though, if you are strapped financially,
I would hesitate to order it simply because
the company is cheap in that
they DO NOT refund ANY shipping
for receiving the product and they
Thus, a $140 purchase got reduced
to only a $108 refund.
Given that most companies make a profit off of shipping, that is very nice for them but not for the unsatisfied consumer!
I was also dissatisfied that they take
up to 30 days to refund you!
Click this link to see for yourself:
When every single company gets your money immediately, it is really offensive to take that long to return it.
I don't know if they take that long because they use it in some capacity to make money off of it before they return it or if they just get so many returns, they don't have enough staff to keep up proper and timely returns processing?
I do know that if I return something to Sam's Club today, my money is back in my account TOMORROW.
Ditto every other physical retailer that I patronize; and when I have done returns to my online supplement providers, they may take 7-10 days, but that's a lot more acceptable than 30 days.
I can't help but consider that this is a calculated decision because they have such a tiny niche market that they realize once a person returns their product, (unlike Sam's Club or other retailers with thousand of products from which to choose), they very likely will never be a customer again.
Thus, maintaining a good relationship doesn't appear to matter.
Hence the lack of them paying any shipping and taking so very long to process refunds.
I am grateful to have fairness be my best asset. Thus, I always give credit where it is due and will say that Courtney made the return process hassle free.
However, prior to reaching her by having to pull up the website and find a phone number, the one listed on the packing slip to call to initiate a return, did not work. I kept getting a fast busy signal. That just seemed a little sketchy since people may give up and then forget to initiate the return before the 60 days are up.
To me, the lack of paying any shipping either way, indicates that they do not have the faith they claim in their TV commercials for it to be "the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own" or they simply realize that "comfortable" is so highly subjective they don't want to reduce profits with shipping returns.
Regardless, I don't believe in wasting money and throwing $32 down the toilet for their shipping fees was exactly that.
Thus, if wasting money doesn't bother you, then this should be a non-issue; but if you run a tight budget, then think long and hard about what else you could do with $32 that will benefit you such as fill your gas tank, buy a few days worth of food, pay extra on a bill, etc...
UPDATE: Although they say it will take up to 30 days to refund returns, I am pleased to report that the refund was actually received about 8 days after the pillows were dropped off at the post office.
That is not a bad refund time frame by any means and one that I can only is their average.
Be Grateful, Be Well
Grace Kelly, CHLC, CPLC
Products Claiming to Relieve Back Pain
After almost 11 years of living with chronic pain due to severe and extensive spinal injuries and shoulder damage, I have gotten to a point of disgust with the numerous TV commercials that try to captialize on peoples' pain.
People in chronic pain ARE DESPERATE FOR RELIEF and will try anything to find it.
When I see perky people swinging a golf club or a tennis racket, claiming they had such debilitating pain, I shake my head because someone who does not get back to the level of health that they can enjoy such activities ARE NOT a fair and accurate representative of how well a product relieves pain for the majority who are disabled by severe injuries and equally severe chronic pain.
Especially because in my vast expertise and success with natural pain management, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that reducing and eliminating pain is NOT about using just one product, but rather IT IS ABOUT EVERTYHING YOU DO AND DO NOT DO IN YOUR DAILY LIFE that yields relief.
I have actually had to train myself to get in and out of my car differently just so I don't risk hitting my head off of the door frame as I have before, throwing myself into horrid two week pain flareups.
Thus, I mean it when I say that successful pain management is about everything you do.
Thus, when you watch these ads, please stop and realize that there is an IMMEASURABLE difference between someone who is debilitated by pain temporarily and someone permanently disabled and vastly limited in all aspects of life by chronic pain secondary to severe injuries.
There is no comparison between these two groups.
That's like a person complaining about a broken finger to someone who just had their hand crushed.
People who experienced bad pain temporarily, but did not have their lives decimated on every human level as those who are disabled due to severe injuries often do, are going to be more likely to enjoy the great results they tout in these commercials.
I am not saying that the people in the TV commercials are lying about having had awful pain.
I am simply saying that unless their issues left them as debilitated as the hundreds of millions around the world have been by traumatic injuries, they are not a fair and accurate representative of true chronic pain relief success stories.
As I say throughout Spinal Trap, pain is personal and subjective.
What works for many to relieve pain does not work for all.
It is why I consistently advise forming your own opinion and provide only fair and honest product reviews as someone who is grateful to God to have come through the dark side of a life decimated by severe, extensive spinal injuries and ineffable pain which have left me with a myriad of degenative disease processes in my spine and numerous health byproducts that were never an issue pre-injury.
Obesity, elevated glucose, elevated cholesterol, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, diverticulitis, unspecified intestinal and colon damage from pain pills, etc...
I wish that these infomercials were required to have the people who give testimonials, specify exactly what their origin of pain is and how long they have had it, if they had surgeries, (invasive and/or pain management), have they done 144 physical therapy sessions, etc...so that people in true chronic pain could realize if their testimony is to be considered or dismissed.
The moral of this column is three fold.
1. Have reasonable expectations for pain relief efforts and realize that comparing yourself to the people on TV is a fast ticket to failure if they didn't sustain life altering injuries and you have.
Figure out what you need to do and not do in your daily life to relieve and prevent pain flareups.
(Hint: Read Spinal Trap's "HERBS" home page and "Self-Help Healing Modalities" for a huge kickstart!)
2. Never compare yourself to anyone on any topic, for someone is always better off than us and that is self-defeating behavior that will only add to your pain since negativity impacts you physically.
If you start to do that, focus on the fact that no matter how much you may be hurting, you are better off than many.
3. Great docs and surgeons can help you, but ONLY God can fully heal and restore you.
PRAY for healing and restoration!
Copyright 2011-2018 Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good All rights reserved.
This website and its creator does not share nor sell email addresses.
This website is for informational, motivational and entertainment use only and is not a substitute for medical advice nor intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions.
This site, nor its creator and author, Grace Kelly, other professionals referenced or recommended, and/or any affiliates, are liable in any capacity whatsoever in perpetuity for any negative results a person may experience as a result of trying things that Grace Kelly discusses herein. Grace Kelly is not an medical doctor, a naturopath, a nurse, a pharmacist, or an herbalist, nor purports herself to be. What she shares should not be misconstrued as medical advice.
Always consult medical experts trained and currently licensed in the areas of health in which you seek advice to ensure your best health.
Inclusion of a site link does not imply that Grace has read the entire site and should not be misconstrued as endorsement for all contents.
This site assumes no responsibility for knowing when sites or companies to whom Grace refers readers, have policy changes that may affect any and all data currently known and stated herein.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States