disabling severe chronic pain
in my Cervical and Lumbar Spines and Shoulder,
anxiety, depression,
insomnia, spinal cord pain, muscle pain,
arthritis pain, a rotator cuff tear, bursitis,
brachial neuritis
& neuropathic pain such as sciatica!*
Like all who walk in these shoes,
I was alive without living
thanks to zero quality of life
from all of these chronic conditions** AND the
numerous side effects of prescription drugs commonly given for these deeply painful diagnoses.
Thanks to God, His herbs, and
music meditation,
I got Back 2 Good as naturally as I could by going herbal daily beginning in early 2012.
Doing so allowed me to eliminate 3 of my prescription drugs entirely and vastly reduce usage of the other 7!
What a health victory,
physically and spiritually!
Thanks to reading a Tyndale Life Application Study Bible (NLT) in 2015, I got Back 2 God to heal spiritually in a way that I had never been prior, because you can't know what you don't know; and until I finally knew Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit personally thanks to Dr. Charles Stanley (In Touch Ministries) and then reading the whole Bible,
I didn't realize that God had let me become physically disabled because I was already spiritually disabled.
If you are alive without living thanks to
any or all of these physically and/or spiritually disabling health conditions
& their mood and mind-altering Rx's,
I created Spinal Trap so that
YOU TOO CAN GET Back 2 Good!
Don't have a lot of money or
health insurance?
All the more reason to learn about the MANY COMMON LOW COST*
herbs, vitamins, and supplements!
Be Grateful, Be Well
Grace Kelly, God Coach, CHLC, CPLC
**Scroll down this page to see a list of my numerous spinal/shoulder diagnoses from my MRI reports.
Legal Liability Disclaimer Notice:
I am not a doctor of any kind, holistic or medical, or nurse. I am not an herbalist or pharmacist.
Thus, I am not giving anyone medical advice herein, and I make no claims nor promises that what I take cures or prevents any health conditions or diseases; I am simply sharing what our Almighty God has used to help me exponentially improve my overall quality of life thanks to vastly reducing my prescription drug usage, and even eliminating some of my ten different pain prescriptions entirely to get Back 2 Good as naturally as I could!
I do not sell any of the herbs, vitamins, or supplements that I have used with great success for these many life-ruining health conditions; thus, my only goal with creating STB2G is to help others reduce and eliminate physical pain and spiritual suffering, as naturally as possible, by sharing my safe results through many natural efforts.
Every reader hereby agrees to indemnify and hold me, Grace Kelly and any agents or representatives of mine harmless in perpetuity for any and all harm, foreseeable or otherwise, that they may incur as a result of trying anything that I share.
Further, every reader agrees to bear the onus of doing their due diligence to check with their doctor(s), pharmacist, and anyone else as applicable to their healthcare needs to ensure that there are no contraindications for their specific health status before trying any of the things that I share with gratitude for their immeasurable blessings by God.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States
Spinal Trap Goals
1. To motivate and educate the tens of millions of chronic pain people worldwide, and those who also suffer from depression, anxiety and insomnia, (regardless of if pain induced) to regain their best quality of life as I have by sharing my numerous efforts which have resulted in my getting back 2 good despite the severe and progressively degrading nature of my spinal cord, multiple disc, and other spine and shoulder damage.
2. To remove the fear and intimidation from MRI's, Cervical Myelogram with CT Scans, and X-rays so that chronic spinal pain patients can make informed decisions regarding procedures and care that meet their best interests.
After all, how can a person choose
the best procedure for their long term recovery, if they don't even understand what is wrong with them?
3. To encourage everyone too afraid to ask questions of their doctors/pharmacists, that it is smart and necessary to speak up and learn, because YOU are the most important part of your healthcare team!
Spinal Trap is pleased to help bridge the gap of unnecessary frustrations that stem from miscommunication both on the part of patients and healthcare professionals alike by providing 10 tips for both parties.
If all parties follow my expert tips, I guarantee that an enormous increase in both the efficiency of care and mutual respect, will be enjoyed by all, and that is healthy for all! Please look under the "Western Medicine" tab for these tips.
4. To reduce and prevent disabling injuries by sharing the all consuming realities and challenges of living with chronic pain and its never ending limitations, so that people pushing their luck, wise up before they know from reality, not just reading, what it is like; or worse, make someone else who wasn't being irresponsible, know what it is like.
5. To encourage and evoke healing by offering hope, help, and humor, whether tactful or impactful, on every topic related to chronic pain and its litany of life-altering byproducts, so that every reader challenged by its, leaves Spinal Trap B2G knowing that you are not alone; and as importantly, motivated and educated to get yourself and/or others, back 2 good God's way!
6. To educate able-bodied people on the endless challenges of those living with chronic pain so that they become helpful, to those who are disabled and/or others in need of extra help, like many elderly.
Millions of disabled and/or elderly people can't keep up with things that are simple to able-bodied folk, like grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, and house cleaning, let alone, house repairs and other life saving needs such as changing smoke alarm batteries and outdoor lights. (Well lit entry ways are less likely to be broken into.)
Many of these people have pets who need to be walked, bathed, played with, taken to the vet's, etc...
Millions of able-bodied people
are unemployed and bored.
Being chronically unemployed
is as unhealthy as chronic pain.
It may not have been your choice
to be unemployed;
but please don't let it be your choice
to sit around and do nothing.
Get up and help others;
you will enjoy
a sense of accomplishment again!
And to be clear, even if you are employed, YOU STILL need to serve others!
Please, use your spare time and talents to be a blessing to those in need. It can be something as simple as collecting the mail and newspaper to opening windows to allow fresh air in their home!
If you are in good health, you very likely have no idea how impossible windows are to push up and down for people with severe neck and/or shoulder damage or arthritic hands.
If you're a good cook, make them meals.
A great baker? Take them cookies.
If you're a gardener, take them some of what you grow!
Or simply visit with them; let them talk and truly listen.
And please, for the love of all things holy, don't take your problems to them! They need uplifted, not to become a trapped audience...
What is simple to able bodied people
is a huge blessing to those who aren't.
Thus, getting the able,
to help the unable,
is a perfect match
that benefits both!
7. To help people realize that if your definition of disabled involves someone using a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair, then you need to learn that disability comes in many forms; judging someone as not, when they are, is an insult that reveals more about your challenges, than theirs. (Read John 7:24 God's Word Translation on BibleHub.com!)
Please read the Dear Abby letter on my "Judging (Wrongly) What You Can't See" page under "Healing with grace (blog)" tab.
As importantly, Spinal Trap is to help people realize that being in chronic pain and/or disabled is not the same thing as being sick.
The flu, colds, strep, etc...are what people have when sick; chronic pain is a condition, not a sickness.
I am speaking of chronic pain from a true physical condition/injury.
There are of course those who suffer physical pains that are manifested purely by mental and emotional illness and/or imbalances.
Which is why, anyone who truly wants to live their best quality of life, needs to get healthy, balanced spiritually first thanks to reading the Holy Bible daily to truly know and obey Almighty God (Who heals us!), His Son Jesus Christ, (and prayerfully, He is your Lord and Savior), and the amazing Holy Spirit of God!
THEY are how you get your best life now!
The mind, body and spirit are inextricably linked; deficits in one area, for long enough, will cause issues to all three.
8. To open the minds of every professional in every health and wellness field, currently anti-anything but Western medicine, to the undeniable efficacy and safety of herbs like Turmeric & Bromelain to manage pain naturally and Holy Basil Extract to reduce and/or eliminate depression and/or anxiety, naturally.
And, to get those who currently don't, to promote and recommend safe, healthy alternatives to medication such as meditation and music for pain management, anxiety, insomnia and anger issues.
Mostly, to get these individuals to be open minded
to things of which they know not;
because what matters most
isn't what you believe,
it is what your patients, clients, and customers
KNOW that works for them,
that truly matters most because their pain
is about them, not you.
I am humbled and blessed to be living proof of the vast efficacy of the power of prayer, herbs, and music meditation for every single one of these afflictions.
In other words to you non-believers of these invaluable efforts, I am your empirical evidence; along with millions of others who also enjoy their best quality of life thanks to them!
People simply can't live their best quality of life and health when on multiple mind and mood altering, memory ruining, prescription drugs; I know, I was one of them for 6 years!
I dubbed this terrible state "a roller coaster ride from hell" because that is what it was like to me.
There is actually a medical term for it, it is called "emotional lability".
9. To get chronic pain people out of their pain cocoons* and victim mentalities so that they may live their best lives.
So many say they hate their pain/lives, but make no true and/or consistent efforts to beat it; because they've lost hope thanks to the negativity that is chronic pain, which is often compounded by depression and anxiety, all of which is then compounded exponentially by pain pills and other related Rx's.
My "roller coaster ride from hell" summary is not even a slight exaggeration.
It is an understandable but vicious, soul depleting, self-defeating cycle that devours any and all hope in the human mind, body and spirit; which sadly, results in more physical pain.
*Those who need to read this statement the most, (and aren't in denial or delusional) will know exactly what I mean by pain cocoon. If you don't, in simple terms, it means that someone becomes so victimized by their situation, that as much as they hate it, they unconsciously wrap themselves up in it to the exclusion of all things healthy, including any hope of healing.
They are easily recognizable because of two behaviors. They expend far more energy on making excuses about why something proven to be helpful to others, won't work for them, then what they would expend on actually trying and seeing what happens.
Or worse, when you ask them to try something that you know, at the absolute least, won't harm them, they won't try it and don't even know why. I do, it's called a pain cocoon.
It is no longer about something that happened to them, but rather, they become what happened to them. The first step to shedding it, is to recognize it, and then, do the work; it's worth it!
It is just as important to realize that pain cocoons are not limited to humans who live with physical injuries and chronic pain. I know many able-bodied people deeply entrenched in their own pain cocoons from many other types of traumas and pain.
10. To help people realize that true healing comes only from God, by doing the work of turning to Him to get through the tests in life that we don't like, want, or understand.
I hope that my numerous health victories inspire others to seek Him so that He may help them too, find healing and peace. You don't think I thought of all of this on my own do you?
I have more peace now despite living with chronic pain, and all that it still entails, than I ever did when physically healthy, thin and "happy".
What does that tell you about GOD
and what He can do for you,
if you let Him?
God Luck!
(And that's NOT a typo!)
Be Grateful, Be Well!
Grace Kelly,
God Coach
Creator/Author of Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
Certified Holistic Life Coach
Certified Professional Life Coach
Certificate in Mediation Training
It's not ready yet but be sure to check online for my first book "GOD & The Many Things in The Bible That Surprised Me" and see what surprises you too!
This is not your average, dry boring religious book!
Copyright 2011-2018 Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good All rights reserved.
This website and its creator does not share nor sell email addresses.
This website is for informational, motivational and entertainment use only and is not a substitute for medical advice nor intended to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions.
This site, nor its creator and author, Grace Kelly, other professionals referenced or recommended, and/or any affiliates, are liable in any capacity whatsoever in perpetuity for any negative results a person may experience as a result of trying things that Grace Kelly discusses herein. Grace Kelly is not an medical doctor, a naturopath, a nurse, a pharmacist, or an herbalist, nor purports herself to be. What she shares should not be misconstrued as medical advice.
Always consult medical experts trained and currently licensed in the areas of health in which you seek advice to ensure your best health.
Inclusion of a site link does not imply that Grace has read the entire site and should not be misconstrued as endorsement for all contents.
This site assumes no responsibility for knowing when sites or companies to whom Grace refers readers, have policy changes that may affect any and all data currently known and stated herein.
Spinal Trap: Back 2 Good
12160 W Parmer Lane
Suite 130-118
Cedar Park, TX 78613
United States